So, I know my purpose of making this blog was to talk about health/fitness, but first I want to tell you about my first Monday of the new year! Today was a really important day for me because I started a new job. (I know, I'm starting all kinds of new things already this year... My husband and I are also buying our first house this month, but that'll be a whole different post!) For the past 4 years, I've worked as an Assistant Property Manager at a great little apartment community here in Greenville, SC. Although I loved my job, I eventually felt like I needed a change, so today I started at a new apartment community. Even though it's technically the same position I've already had, I always find it a little nerve wrecking starting a new job because you have to learn all new policies, procedures, etc. So, needless to say, I was pretty nervous about today. Well after a long day at work, I'm happy to announce that everything went wonderfully! My new property is a gorgeous downtown apartment community, and I absolutely love it! The girls I work with in the office are all super nice, and I feel right at home there. Such a great feeling! :)
Now moving right along, I'm also proud to announce that I have decided to follow the Couch to 5K fitness program!

For those of you who are not familiar with this, it's basically a running program where you run a certain distance every day until eventually, at the end of 9 weeks, you're able to run a 5k. Considering that I am probably the world's worst runner, I find this whole concept completely absurd. I can't imagine running even one mile, let alone over 3! I'm excited to follow the program though and see how it works out. If any of you have ever tried it, I'd love to know about your experience as well!
Well, I guess that's all for now! Time for the premier of the new season of the Bachelor! Yay!